Over the past six months we have engaged in a community dialogue to understand if there is a specific direction that the Town would like to take with the development program on Phase II of the North 40. We have shared two concepts with the community for consideration. One was almost entirely residential in focus—perhaps a solution to the pressure the Town is under to meet its share of State and regional housing needs. The other was a mixed-use program with limited additional housing beyond what has already been approved on the North 40. After years of listening and actively engaging the community for the past six months, we understand from community feedback that the mixed-used concept is the alternative that we should be pursuing for Phase II.
We would like to share with you the rationale for this direction and to provide more details on the concept and hear your thoughts.
Date and Time: Wednesday, October 20, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Pacific
North 40 Phase II Community Meeting
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