Every jurisdiction in California must have a General Plan, which is the local government’s long-term framework or “constitution” for future growth and development. The General Plan is prepared with extensive community engagement to create a plan that expresses the community’s vision for its future. California State law requires that each town, city, and county must adopt a General Plan for the physical development of the jurisdiction and any land outside its boundaries that bears relation to its planning. Typically, a General Plan is designed to address the issues facing the jurisdiction for the next 20 years.

Over Three Years in the Making

For over three years and over 30 public hearings, the Town’s General Plan Update Advisory Committee (GPAC) has worked on the draft 2040 General Plan Update. The GPAC is comprised of Town Council Members, Planning Commissioners, and at-large members of the community. The Town Council approved the 2040 General Plan on June 30, 2022. A referendum to repeal the Land Use and Community Design Elements of the adopted 2040 General Plan was subsequently certified and those Elements of the 2040 General Plan have been suspended. During the suspension, the 2020 General Plan Land Use and Community Design Elements will be used. More information can be found on the Town’s General Plan website: https://losgatos2040.com/

All this while tasked with planning for new homes for all incomes to meet the Town’s fair share of the Bay Area’s housing need which is 1,993 homes for the next Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) cycle which is from 2023 to 2031.

The Draft Los Gatos General Plan 2040 shows a future of Los Gatos that welcomes diversity and inclusivity by embracing managed growth in key areas, reducing its carbon footprint by reducing vehicle miles travelled, and ensures the economic vitality of its iconic downtown and other important commerce districts.